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Every thing you need to know about Hair Porosity.

Every Thing You Need To Know About Hair Porosity.    

         Hair Porosity.

Our Hair is significant throughout our life, it not only protects us from the weather but also gives us a handsome look in society. Sometimes our hair face problem like other matters in our life in which one of the problems of hair is called porosity.

Porosity means the ability of hair to absorb and retain moisture. In other words, the ratio at which water and other moisturizing agent are applied to the hair and absorbed into the strands. The porosity of hair can be changed according to age, health, and weather conditions. 

Our hair is made up of 95% keratin a tough protein, it is insoluble in water. Each hair has a hair shaft and a hair root, the shaft is the visible part of the hair that sticks out of the skin and extends down to the deeper layer of the skin. It is surrounded by the hair follicle.    

The hair porosity can be divided into three-level,1 Normal porosity  2 Low porosity 3 high porosity.    

1-Normal Porosity.

                                   If the hair has a balance ability to absorb and retain moisture with minimal level, it is called normal porosity of hair.

2-Low Porosity.

                             Lower porosity means that the hair follicle does not absorb moisture as quickly as high porosity hair. In other means water and topical products do not penetrate the hair quickly, having little to no effect. Even though the cuticles are healthy, hair can still have a dry appearance. If you feel your hair is,  

1 –your hair struggles to keep moisture.

2-Your hair conditioner does not work.

3-your hair is too oily or too dry.

4- you feel more dandruff.     

3- High Porosity.

                         If you have high porosity hair, it means that water, oils, and other types of products can be easily absorbed by your hair. This is because the hair cuticle itself has signs of damage. The cuticle is the outer layer of the strand. If you were to examine it very closely you would see cracking, splitting, and irregular texture. A person with high porosity hair can absorb moisture fast, but they can also lose moisture just as easily. You are suffering high porosity if you feel.         

1- -  Your hair looks and feels dry.

2- You look like your hair tends to be frizzy.

3-    Your hair air dries very quickly.

4-    Your hair absorbs products quickly.

5-     Your hair rarely looks shiny.

6-    Your hair tangles easily.     


 Simple Test for Determining  Porosity of Hair.    

There is a test you can do to determine easily about porosity level of your hair. take some strands of your hair from your brush, comb and drop them into a glass of water and wait about 5-10 minutes. If your hair floats on the top of the water, you have low porosity. If your hair strand hangs out in the middle of the water you have normal porosity and if your strand is sitting at the bottom of the glass,you have high porosity.   




    How you manage hair porosity.

Take food supplements that are rich in vitamins, vit D,vit C,vit E, iron, zinc, Folic acid, and vit B12. If you have high porosity try applying a deep conditioner or protein treatment to the hair once a week. It can provide some relief to your damaged and brittle hair. Don't wash your hair with too much hot or cold water, wash the conditioner out in cool water, this help to close the follicle of your hair and seal in moisture. Use a hair comb or hairbrush which are suitable for your hair. If you have low porosity, try using a steamer and apply products that are rich in humectants. Also, limits sun exposure, too much direct sunlight on the hair can also strip it of moisture if you must be outside, use a cap, hat, or scarf.


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